
Welcome to the Blend blog! We're a small communtiy food organisation based in Sheffield, England. On our blog we'll try and keep you upto date with the stuff we're doing, share recipes and talk about anything to do with food. Please write on the blog, tell us what you think and what you eat.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Angram bank school

So getting back to food after that slightly soppy last blog entry.

We've been doing some cook along sessions at my old junior school (Angram Bank in High Green, Sheffield), for the past couple of months. Its been slightly odd going back after nearly 20 years and seeing some of the same teachers still working there (Mr Jacklin and Mrs Fisher to name, names!) and also people who were there  when i was there and now have their own children at the school. We've been getting between 6 and 10 families along to the sessions and have made everything from pizza and kebabs to traditional pastys and it has been brilliant.

Today was this young man's birthday, so we decided to make our own chocolate brownies to celebrate him turning 7.

 This was the recipe we used, get ready for the sugar hit.  

Chocolate brownies
140g/5oz dark chocolate
225g/8oz butter
5 eggs
450g/1lb caster sugar
110g/4oz plain flour
55g/2oz cocoa powder

1.   Heat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Line a 20x30cm/8x12in roasting tin with baking parchment.
2.   Gently melt the butter and the sugar together in a large pan.
3.   Take off the heat and beat in the rest of the ingredients.
4.   Turn into the roasting tin and bake for 30-40 minutes until the top of the brownie is firm but the inside still feels soft.
5.   Take out of the oven and cool in the tin. Cut into 5cm/2in squares when cool.

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